Ksiêga go¶ci
wpisów w ksiêdze go¶ci: 71

Dear Sirs, our company is establishes since 1988. we one of the leading fishing tackle companies in germany with a wholesale distribution and a own 200page mailorder cataloge which will be send out to more than 100.000 fisherman. a couple of years ago, we did habe a business with a boat company which went bankrupt, now we plan again to expand our range and adding some boats for fishing. please, if you be intrested in a good and long business relationship, we look forward, receiving your export pricelist with your best prices, terms and conditions. please note, if we come together, your boats will have the best promotion and a massive advertising too, as far as our sister company CLARIS is the publisher of the leading german specialist magazines carpmirror and matchangler. looking forward to hear from you.
Harald Ofenloch
Buerstadt, 21.04.2011 12:00

tak powinno byæ w ka¿dej firmie : kompetentna i mi³a obs³uga, która zaznajomi³a mnie z ofert± i z ni± zwi±zanymi sprawami, dalej - sprzêt - by³em mile zaskoczony! o to mi w³a¶nie chodzi³o, pozdrawiam, bardzo zadowolony klient
zdzislaw gluszak
ko¶cian, 24.02.2011 09:52

Zapraszam do TopListy Kêb³owskich stron internetowych www.KEBLOWO.najlepsze.net
Kêb³owo, 24.01.2011 20:15

Witam - interesuje mnie ³ód¼ wêdkarska sk³adana. Mogliby¶cie podaæ wymiary z³o¿onej ³odzi(bry³y)? Posiadam Dacie-Logan Brak te¿ danych w których godzinach jest czynne (soboty) Pozdrowienia stronka OK
Mieczys³aw Wtorkowski
Zielona Góra, 23.07.2010 17:57

Sobies³aw Doniec
S³awa, 09.05.2010 16:41

Witam ,bardzo gor±co polecam tego producenta ,firma solidna szybka dostawa -pozdrawiam.
Roman Chromiñski
Gdañsk, 26.02.2010 14:22

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